Shamus on February 19, 2011 at 11:38 pm
We are having some real-world issues that we need to deal with. Sorry. We're still working on the comic, things have just gotten slower while we deal with stuff. We will post comics when we can, and we'll aim for Mondays, but keep an eye on our Twitter feed or our Facebook page (check in the sidebar to the left). We post there when a new page goes up.
Thanks, everyone.
Still alive
Lesley on June 13, 2011 at 6:48 pm
I don't know if anyone is still checking this site, but I promise we're working on it. Real world issues began with some flooding, and ended with an international move. We are gearing up for updates again, but there will still be a short delay, as we gather the necessary equipment to complete the various stages of art, such as a scanner, new software, and a lightboard.
If anyone's still around, we appreciate your patience in all this, and we are so sorry for the long absence with no updates.