Behind the Scenes Day!
Ehehe, I'm not late with the comic, it's just behind the scenes day. Yeah. That's it.
See, here's the thing. I could have killed myself to get the comic up last night, but then I wouldn't have gotten to spend the evening with Shamus before he went off to Canada for a week and left me in a strange country with no friends except my cats. (Hush you guys from irc, I'm using dramatic effect here). Both cats are passed out behind me right now, and at least one of them would rather sleep on a grocery bag than on the bed with me at night. :c So sad.
Anyway, yeah. I am basically going to end up following whatever sleeping schedule my body feels like while Shamus is gone, and maybe trying to get my groove back. I have a drafting desk set up all slanted and proper like now, so that might just do the trick, if I can stop playing the Sims 3 for every moment that my eyes are open.