Crazy hands
Sashka, that can't be a good idea.
Mmmm, hard shadows (some of them anyway). They have a different difficulty to them, but I am pleased to have the change of pace.
I have no idea what I was thinking while drawing half of these hands. The longer I looked at the page to colour it, the more I wondered what on earth these hands were doing. I don't think they're badly drawn, as such, I just think they are confused hands.
Photoshop and I are getting better acquianted. I have figured out how to make the pencil tool stop being pressure sensitive (turn off the Transfer checkbox in the brush palette), and as I set up more one click shortcuts on my mouse and stylus, things get easier and easier. Flats have gotten faster, to the tune of taking only an hour and a half for this page, as opposed to somewhere in the area of 3 to 5 hours without using the multifill plugin, as outlined by this page: http://selfcentent.com/blog/coloring-tip-quick-flatting-free/
And on a last note, how is the size of the lettering here? I went down 2 marks on my letter guide, as I felt last page's letters were HUGE! but these look a little on the small side to me in comparison. Maybe click back two pages to compare to my unguided letters, rather than using last page as a comparison.